What to do to prevent neck pain

The following are research-based guidelines for the very best prevention strategies for neck pain, as written by our Balmain chiropractors.

  • The fitter, more supple and physically active you are the less likely you are to have an episode of neck pain. If you do get neck pain, the more likely you are to recover quickly.Start exercising more regularly if you don’t.
  • Exercising regularly might also help many people keep their neck problem at bay if they have long term recurrent neck pain.
  • Always start exercise in a gradual way (don’t go too hard, too fast), this will be annoying for some but is the best way to get active without irritating your neck
  • Flexible necks are typically healthier and less prone to irritation
  • Sitting for long periods increases your risk of neck pain. Take regular breaks.
  • Sitting, standing, and lying are all static postures and may increase your risk of neck pain. Do not maintain any one of these postures for long periods. Change between them.
  • If you have neck pain that lasts for a few day, even after trying these practical tips, it is worth while booking an appointment with one of our chiropractors at Balmain Chiropractic Centre. This may stop further progression of your neck pain with some simple strategies our chiropractors can give you.

At Balmain Chiropractic Centre we are passionate about helping you avoid neck pain, treating your neck pain if you get it, and educating you about all the different aspects of neck pain recovery. Give one of our chiropractors a call today.

Back pain facts from our Balmain chiropractors

In this blog our chiropractors are going to take you through some interesting facts and statistics about back pain. There are many things people can do to help back pain. You may be surprised what they are. Read further and let our Balmain chiropractors give you all the facts.

This year 40% of Australians will get back pain, its nice to know that Balmain Chiropractic Centre has your back. Lets go through it.

  1. Back pain is normal. Most of us will get it. Don’t panic if you do.
  2. We know from the research, if you get back pain once, you’ll probably get it again and that’s very normal too.
  3. The definition of ‘acute’ and ‘chronic’ are overly simplified and don’t mean too much when describing back pain. So don’t focus on these. You will need to focus on practical and sensible strategies to help your back pain.
  4. Back pain cost the government more money than any other disease for which there is data on. This highlights how big the back pain problem is.
  5. For workers, back pain is the leading cause of someone having a day off and the leading course of loss of productivity due to injury.
  6. Only 25-40% of people will seek help for back pain and there is so much that can be done.
  7. These are our favourite at Balmain Chiropractic Centre. There is pretty much no good quality evidence for the following when used by themselves (monotherapies).
    1. Laser
    2. Traction
    3. Thermal treatments
    4. TENS
    5. Bed rest
    6. Acupuncture (growing evidence)
    7. A truck load more. If it sounds fancy it probably isn’t that great and more of a gimmick, ask the person treating you for evidence.
  8. There is good evidence for the following
    1. Manipulation (short term)
    2. Exercise
    3. Education
    4. Behavioural therapy.

Next time you have a bout of back pain go have a chat to your chiropractor. At Balmain Chiropractic Centre we have your back.