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Hip pain

Hip pain is an extremely common condition that presents Balmain Chiropractic Centre. Our chiropractors are equipped to handle minor hip aches and pains all the way through to more complex injuries. Hip pain can be extremely distressing for those who are experiencing it, as most daily functions and activities involve some level of hip movement and loading. At Balmain Chiropractic Centre we offer a sound diagnosis, research supported treatment strategies and clear advice on the full spectrum of hip injuries and problems.

hip pan treatment

Causes of hip pain

  • Acute hip injuries
  • Acute hip strains
  • Acute and chronic hip tears
  • Overuse and accumulative loads such as running
  • Soft tissue tendinitis or tendinopathy
  • Poor biomechanics or suboptimal hip structure

Symptoms of hip pain

  • Sharp, dull or shooting pain in the hip
  • Pain or discomfort that refer from the hip down the leg
  • Clicking, locking or giving way of the hip
  • Hip pain on running, jumping or getting out of a chair
  • Stiffness or tightness around the hip
  • Hip pain that aches lying on it or at night
  • Sore or tender spots around the hip

Common conditions of the hip

  • Acetabular tears (labral tears)
  • Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI)
  • Hip tendinits and tendinopathy
  • Hip muscle strains
  • Hip muscle tears
  • Stress fracture or fracture

What to do about it hip pain

For people who are experiencing acute or chronic hip pain, a consultation with a qualified chiropractor can be useful. Chiropractors have knowledge on hip anatomy, biomechanics and injury management. At Balmain chiropractic Centre we use a battery of tests and examinations to determine exactly what is the cause of your hip pain and what impairments need treatment to alleviate your pain and discomfort. In the sporting community hip pain is more common, injuries can be complex and should not be left to worsen before seeking care. Our chiropractors offer safe, effective and research supported treatments for hip pain.


Room 1 - Shop 86, 24 Buchanan Street Balmain 2041 NSW Australia


Phone (02) 80655896